Sha City Construction Site Trip

On November 23rd, 2022, the Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at Tishk International University-Sulaimani (TIUS) organized a scientific trip to Sha City construction site for third and fourth-year students. The educational excursion, led by Dr. Pshtiwan Sahkour, aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of building construction methodologies and the utilization of various construction materials. Accompanied by experienced civil and architectural engineers, students were guided through the construction site to witness firsthand the diverse stages of a building’s development.

The informative journey encompassed a detailed presentation on the overall project blueprint, followed by an in-depth explanation of the construction phases, including the pile and mat foundation work, the structural system, and reinforcement detailing. The students also gained insights into the finishing components of the building, enhancing their practical knowledge.

Safety measures were diligently enforced for all participants during the site visit, ensuring a secure learning environment. This practical engagement, which was part of the Civil Engineering curriculum, saw active participation from students, substantially enriching their academic experience with real-world construction practices.