A Brief History

Knowledge is power,” more so today than ever before.

In 2008, KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research approved the establishment of Tishk International University in Erbil. The aim was to provide education to everybody regardless of belief, ethnicity, social status or political ideas. Tishk International Schools gained a good reputation in Kurdistan Region and Iraq. Based on Dr. Yusuf Goran’s request, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, a new branch of Tishk International University was decided to be opened in Sulaimani.

In 2014, Tishk International University Sulaimani branch was opened and started education with preparatory classes. The students arrived at a new university built upon a hold vision. We were small, with big ambitions. During one year we had more than fulfilled our potential, becoming one of the Kurdistan’s leading academic Universities. Dr. Dogan Ozdemir was appointed as the Vice President of the University.

During our first years of operation, we were in a small building with many departments, including Civil and Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering; Business and Management, Accounting, Banking and Finance, and International Relations and Diplomacy departments in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics. Over the last few years, we have been able to open departments in English Language Teaching, Information Technology, Interior Design, and Computer Engineering. Furthermore, in early 2023, we will move to our new building in Qularaysi, and to expand our community, we will apply for new departments.

Also, we have applied for Accounting, Information Technology and English Language Teaching departments. We will apply for more departments in a near future.

Today, we are a truly global community producing impactful research, with members who thrive on critical thinking, creativity and challenging established conventions to improve the region and the world.

Events and activities take place at our campus, and we invite all our members, friends and community to join in.

Life goes through movements and changes, a university has a special obligation to hold fast to the best of the past and move fast to the best of the future.


Tishk International UNIVERSITY