Scientific Trip to Baxshin Hospital’s X-ray Unit- Sulaymaniyah

The Physiotherapy Department, Faculty of Applied Sciences at Tishk International University (TIUS), organized a scientific trip to Baxshin Hospital’s  x-ray unit for 1st grade students on February 18th, 2024. The trip, supervised by Dr. Younis Mohammed, aimed to offer students a comprehensive understanding of the x-ray units in hospitals.

Dr. Bakhtiyar Talabani, Head of  X- ray Unit at Baxshin Hospital explained the process of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment, based on the diagnosis the doctors require, and discussed the different techniques and machines in the unit (X – ray, CT scan,  MRI) . Our students greatly benefited from the visit and appreciated the fruitful and detailed explanations provided by the unit staff and Dr. Bakhtiyar Talabani.

Special thanks from the Physiotherapy Department at TIUS t  Dr. Bakhtiyar Talabani  and Baxshin Hospital for their significant cooperation and the support they had towards the students.