Research on Architecture & Interior Design: Challenges and Opportunities

The Interior Design Engineering Department and Architectural Engineering Department at Tishk International University Sulaimani (TIUS) held a comprehensive workshop on February 7th, 2024, aimed to explore emerging trends, address challenges, and uncover growth opportunities within architecture and interior design, also focused on enhancing research, embracing technological advancements, and discussing the impact of these procedure on design practices. The event featured four seminars covering different topics. Engaging Q&A sessions followed each presentation, fostering deeper discussion and idea exchange. Certificates of recognition were awarded to presenters by department heads, highlighting their contributions.

Presented Seminars:

  1. An Inquiry of Research on Interior Design Education in KRI by Dr. Hozan Latif Rauf
  2. Biomimicry in Architectural Design by Dr. Kamaran Noori
  3. Bridging Boundaries: The Power and Challenges of Interdisciplinary Research in Architecture and Urban Design by Ms. Berivan Aso Omer
  4. Innovative Pedagogical Approaches by Ms. Zhalla Bahzad