Scientific Trip to Family Mall and Qiawan Tower

The Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Tishk International University (TIUS) organized a scientific trip to Family Mall and Qaiwan Tower, Hawari Shar. The trip was organized for third-stage students on October 18th, 2022, to closely demonstrate to students the details of the building’s design and construction.

The educational excursion to the Hawari Shar project site was organized to provide students with an invaluable practical learning experience, aligning with their design course objectives. This site visit was specifically tailored to offer insights into the nuances of building design and the complexities of construction processes.

During the visit, students had the unique opportunity to observe the application of theoretical knowledge in a real-world context. The course instructor played a pivotal role in guiding the students through the construction site, detailing the various materials used and the construction techniques implemented.

This hands-on experience was aimed at enhancing the students’ understanding by demonstrating how each phase of construction correlates with the principles they’ve learned in the classroom. Observing the construction firsthand, they were able to draw direct connections between their coursework and actual industry practices.