Charity Club – Visiting Schools

On December 3rd, 2022, the Dean of Students and the Charity Club at Tishk International University-Sulaimani (TIUS) organized an event of distributing clothes to low income students from governmental schools.

With the support of its students and staff, the team embarked on a noble initiative to gather new, unused clothing and school supplies for underprivileged children. The collected items were sorted and organized according to type, size, and gender—catering to both girls and boys. Subsequently, the team reached out to principals of local government schools to ascertain the requirements of their students. With detailed information on the number, sizes, and ages of the children provided, the club members and staff carefully planned their distribution strategy.

The team then visited a total of five educational institutions in Arbat, in the vicinity of Sulaimaniyah city, including four schools and one kindergarten, as well as a nearby village, to personally hand over the clothes. In a remarkable demonstration of generosity, over 1,300 pieces of clothing were donated, ensuring that each child received between two to four items appropriate for their size and gender. The assortment of donations included dresses, sports attire, shirts, pants, jackets, and bags, significantly enhancing the recipients’ quality of life and school experience.