We strongly suggest/recommend Architectural Engineering Department of TIU to all applicants, the rationale behind our suggestion/recommendation is that.

  1. We offer high standard education with internationally professional teaching academics in both practical courses that are taught in large drawing halls that contains all tools for teaching and also theoretical classes.
  2. We offer European standard curriculum which is accredited by ZEVA Accreditation Program.
  3. In our curriculum We offer such practical courses contains designing most of the building types and constructional ways of building them that can be useful to graduates after graduation.
  4. Our curriculum is rich with many courses which will enable graduate’s to work in many different field such as, landscape designer, interior designer, urban designer, graphic designer….
  5. We offer a conducive environment/atmosphere to our applicants where they can freely communicate with any academics or academicians of their choice (This will improve their communication skills).
  6. We offer such activities and competitions that can be useful to graduates after graduation such as NICE competition and also student project exhibition
  7. We guarantee job to our applicants whenever they complete the departmental instructions on time.
  8. We offer MA/MSc programs to the graduates.