Engineering is the application of science and math to solve problems. Engineers try to figure out how things work and find practical uses for scientific discoveries. Scientists and inventors often get the credit for innovations that advance the human condition, but it is engineers who are practical in making those innovations available to humanity.
Tishk International University realized the importance of engineering in the Kurdistan region and the necessity of its role in building and developing the community, so the Faculty of Engineering has been initiated including seven departments as:
- Architecture Engineering
- Civil Engineering
Architecture Engineering involves the design, construction, and inspection of load-bearing structures such as large commercial buildings, bridges, and industrial infrastructure. The Architectural Engineering program has been accredited by a German Institution (ZeVA, Hannover) company in 2020.
Civil Engineering involves the design, construction, maintenance, and inspection of large infrastructure projects such as highways, railroads, bridges, tunnels, dams, and airports. The Civil Engineering program has been accredited by a German Institution (ZeVA, Hannover) company in 2017.
Tishk International University follows the Bologna Process in educating students. The whole system has been founded according to European standards from the foundation. All our students are ready to study abroad after graduation. With accredited departments, our graduates can easily find good alternatives for their graduate studies all over the world.