Tishk International UNIVERSITY
English Language Teaching
Undergraduate Program
ELT 133 Grammar I
This course aims to promote understanding the relation between language structures and lexical items as well as raising awareness about the attribution of meaning by means of these structures. Within the framework of a context, advanced language structures are analyzed so as to establish relations between form and text type. Synthesizing these structures, students produce advanced level texts employing these structures. The course also emphasizes interactive activities such as group and pair work.
ELT 125 Reading I
This course presents a wide range of reading materials in order to comprehend contrasting viewpoints and to predict and identify main ideas and to decode intersentential clues. It also aims to equip students with intensive and extensive reading habits. Critical thinking skills such as synthesizing information or analyzing a problem as well as reacting on the basis of evaluation are fostered.
ELT 137 Listening and Pronunciation I
This course aims to develop students’ listening and pronunciation skills while gaining confidence in communicating in English. To develop students’ receptive listening skills, it employs listening materials (i.e. academic and natural-setting samples) produced by diverse communities of practice to be analyzed as communication-oriented classroom activities. Starting from basic listening and phonetic skills such as discriminating minimal pairs and formulating phonetic transcriptions of problematic sounds focused in class, the course will focus on elementary and pre-intermediate level listening skills and strategies such as note-taking, predicting, extracting specific and detailed information, guessing meaning from context, and getting the gist through content-based activities.
ELT 109 Communication Skills I
This course provides introductory acknowledgement and practice of basic communication skills and focuses on development of practical skills for basic communication. Throughout the course, students first learn how to make presentations and then they will prepare different kinds of presentations and speeches on different topics.
ELT 143 Writing I
Students analyze and produce different types of writings from very beginning (e.g. sentence building, adjective order etc.) to build up paragraphs; build up writing skills emphasizing the organization, coherence, and cohesion and such sub-skills as summarizing, outlining, and paraphrasing at paragraph level. The use of spelling and punctuation conventions as well as non-alphabetic symbol use will be practiced as well.
ELT 134 Grammar II
This course is a continuation of Grammar I. This course leads students to have a critical perspective into the advanced level structures (e.g. word classes, elements of the sentence, types of sentence, sentence fragments etc.) of different types of texts on a contextual level. Building upon analysis and synthesis, students evaluate the most problematic forms of English grammar with guidance in their function and usage using methods such as error analysis or discourse analysis. Besides presenting a descriptive review of the forms and function of advanced English grammar structure, this course encourages students to develop a critical stance toward the use of these structures in various contexts. The course also emphasizes interactive activities such as group and pair work.
ELT 126 Reading II
This course is designed to reading and study skills needed for college work. This course focuses on vocabulary acquisition, critical reading skills and study skills necessary for college: Topics include identifying main idea and supporting details, determining author’s purpose and tone, distinguishing between fact and opinion, identifying patterns of organization in a paragraph or passage, recognizing the relationships between sentences identifying, using context clues to determine the meanings of words, identifying logical inferences and conclusions, reasoning, and analyzing argument for bias.
ELT 138 Listening and Pronunciation II
This course is a continuation of Listening and Pronunciation I. It aims to develop students’ listening and pronunciation skills while gaining confidence in communicating in English. To develop students’ receptive listening skills, it employs authentic listening materials (i.e. academic and natural-setting samples) produced by diverse communities of practice to be analyzed as communication-oriented classroom activities. Starting from basic listening and phonetic skills such as discriminating minimal pairs and formulating phonetic transcriptions of problematic sounds focused in class, the course will focus on higher level listening skills and strategies such as note-taking, predicting, extracting specific and detailed information, guessing meaning from context, and getting the gist through content-based activities. Students will be provided with the fundamentals of listening and phonetics namely vowels, consonants, stress in words, rhythm and intonation as well as the usage of phonetic alphabet for learning and production purposes. Throughout the course, students will also be exposed to aural authentic listening materials such as interviews, movies, songs, lectures, TV shows and news broadcasts. This course also aims to equip student teachers with a strong sensitivity towards different accents of English language being spoken around the world. Collaborative learning through group and pair work will be encouraged.
ELT 144 Writing II
This course is a continuation of Writing I. Students will produce different types of paragraphs (e.g. expository paragraph, descriptive paragraph, narrative paragraph, etc.) that are unified, coherent and organized.
ELT 110 Communication Skills II
This course is an introduction to communication skills and focuses on development of practical skills for effective communication. It emphasizes fundamental stages of speech preparation and delivery including adopting and developing audio and visual aids. Throughout the course, students first learn how to make presentations and then they will prepare different kinds of presentations and speeches on different topics. The course also aims to foster students’ oral and written language skills in job-related situations such as interviewing, socializing, telephoning, presenting information, holding meetings as well as CV and application writing.
ELT 112 Phonetics
Students will be provided with the fundamentals of listening and phonetics namely vowels, consonants, stress in words, rhythm and intonation as well as the usage of phonetic alphabet for learning and production purposes.
After completing this course, students will have a set of portable argumentation and advocacy skills that they can use in a variety of experiences throughout the curriculum at Tishk International University. Students will initially learn about and practice structured extemporaneous speeches with emphasis on verbal and nonverbal delivery skills (organization, projection, inflection, eye-contact, hand gestures, and more). Students will then build a foundation for effective argumentation and advocacy (claim/warrant/evidence) by participating in “SPAR” debates and ultimately presenting one research-based persuasive speech on the official Tishk International University debate resolution. Special emphasis will be placed on critical thinking and listening skills as well as argument resolution. This class is ultimately for students who want to explore debate in a noncompetitive environment but may choose to participate in the debate team during the third trimester or later in their high school experience.
ELT 235 Grammar III
The role of the Grammar teacher is to increase students’ ability to communicate in English by: Increasing awareness of the form, meaning, and usage of target structures, Providing practice which will help students internalize the grammar, Increasing students’ ability to monitor their own and others’ language use, Providing opportunities for spontaneous, communicative use of grammar structures.
ELT 227 Reading III
This course presents a wide range of authentic reading materials including newspapers, journals, reviews and academic texts in order to comprehend contrasting viewpoints and to predict and identify main ideas and to decode intersentential clues. It also aims to equip students with intensive and extensive reading habits. Critical thinking skills such as synthesizing information or analyzing a problem as well as reacting on the basis of evaluation are fostered. This course allows you the opportunity to grow into a college-level reader through structured lessons, collaborative work, and much uninterrupted sustained silent reading.
ELT 237 Listening and Pronunciation III
In this course you will practice speaking, listening & pronunciation skills through the following activities: in-class dialogues and conversations, pronunciation practice of individual sounds and sentence sound patterns, short oral presentations to the class, small group and partner work, listening to and/or watching various media, vocabulary and grammar practice from reading, writing & grammar classes.
ELT 247 Academic Writing I
This course is designed to help students get familiar with different types of writing. It focuses on the recognition of different kinds of paragraphs and introductory information about essay writing. Then students are asked to produce different types of paragraphs (descriptive, narrative, definition etc.) and essay in an academic way.
KUR 105 Kurdology I Kurdish ***
KUR 107 Kurdology I English ***
A study of history of Kurdistan and Kurds as well as major events and figures in pre-Islam period.
ELT 231 Introduction to Education
This course explores education from early childhood through high school graduation. This course will introduce the philosophical foundations, learning environments, social contexts, curriculum and instruction, standards and assessment, as well as contemporary issues related to the field. The roles, responsibilities and daily life of teachers, schools and students will be examined.
IT 103 Introduction To Information Technology
This course is an overview concept in personal computer system fundamentals as well as system and productivity. Students will learn how to effectively use an operating system along with programs for word processing, spreadsheet, presentations and related purposes.
ELT 236 Grammar IV
This course is a continuation of Grammar III.
ELT 228 Reading IV
This course is a continuation of Reading III. The goal of this course is to provide students with the reading skills necessary to be a confident and independent reader, and to help them improve their comprehension of written English in order to compete successfully in an academic program.
ELT 238 Listening and Pronunciation IV
This course is a continuation of Listening and Pronunciation III.
ELT 248 Academic Writing II
This course is extension of Academic Writing I 245. Throughout the course, Students will be familiarized with different kinds of essays and techniques and they will produce more academic essays based on extensive reading and research. They will also get familiar with the basic concepts about research skills such as paraphrasing, summarizing, quotation, citation.
KUR 106 Kurdology II Kurdish ***
KUR 108 Kurdology II English ***
This course is a continuation of Kurdology I. A further study of history of Kurdistan and Kurds as well as major events and figures in after-Islam period.
ELT 212 Principles and Methods of Instruction
This course presents the basic instructional principles and methods in education. It focuses on the principles of learning and teaching, the significance and necessity of being planned and organized in learning. To this end, this course will cover the basic principles of course design (e.g. yearly plans, lesson plans, and etc) as well as basic methods and techniques in learning and teaching. In this course students will discover the ways to apply their relevant theoretical knowledge while learning how to utilize their teaching materials effectively. Students will also become conscious of teacher responsibilities and develop strategies to enhance quality in education.
ELT 317 Second Language Acquisition
This course presents an overview of the theories of first and second language acquisition (e.g.: behaviorism, innatism, information processing, connectionism, the interactionist position) and focuses on the developmental stages and sequences of first and target language acquisition. Comparison of second language acquisition in children and in adults; identifying developmental sequences in first language acquisition; stages in second language morpho-syntactic development; processes in second language acquisition; learner characteristics and individual variation in ultimate attainment in second language acquisition (e.g.: role of personality, language aptitude, intelligence, age of acquisition, motivation and attitudes, learner preferences and beliefs); differences between second language acquisition and foreign language learning contexts (e.g.: natural vs. instructional settings).
ELT 363 TEFL: Listening and Speaking
In this course, students will focus on both the theory and practice instructional methodology, and resources used for the teaching of listening and speaking skills to language learners. The course also introduces students to a variety of skills, strategies and resources for enhancing the teaching and learning of listening and speaking skills.
ELT 313 Linguistics I
It introduces the basic concepts in linguistics. This course deals with the study of language. It helps students to learn linguistics terminology. It introduces the formal analysis of language according to the sub-categories of linguistics like phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and etc.
ELT 331 Second Foreign Language I Turkish **
ELT 333 Second Foreign Language I Arabic **
Depending on the facilities of the department, student teachers may chose to learn one of the following languages to fulfill the second foreign language requirement: Kurdish, Turkish, Arabic, Russian and Spanish etc.. This course is an introduction to the basics of a second foreign language. It aims at providing student teachers with the skills required for basic communication. Student teachers are exposed to the basic structures and vocabulary items of the target language in communicative contexts, but grammar is not the primary focus. Listening is an important component of the course and is integrated especially with speaking. Besides, some insights into the target culture and life style will be given.
ELT 345 Translation I Kurdish
ELT 347 Translation I Turkish
This course includes the fundamental theories and approaches in the science of translation. Students translate a variety of different authentic English texts into native languages and native language texts into English. Besides translation activities from diverse areas, within a contrastive analysis framework, students also engage in error analysis tasks in which they critically evaluate the appropriateness of the various translations of the same text paying attention to the idiosyncrasies regarding the unique nature of local languages and English and its comparison to their own translation by employing different translation skills. Various aspects of translation will be evaluated including style, word selection, the role and importance of translation in language learning and teaching and cultural aspects of translation. The practical aspect of the course will go hand in hand with readings covering theoretical grounds pertinent to current issues in the field of translation. Exposure to and translation of ELT-related materials will also be strongly encouraged.
ELT 351 English Literature
A short introduction to British Literature and Culture by the chosen texts and theoretical knowledge. Examination of literary texts from English literature as motivating language material and application of various languages based activities to literary texts through peer teaching by making references to the literary periods and backgrounds of chosen texts.
ELT 303 TEFL: Vocabulary and Reading
This course is designed to help participants focus more clearly on English vocabulary acquisition and how to present words effectively to learners. This course not only deals with the introduction of vocabulary to students but also helps participants to make their reading courses more comprehensible. During the semester they will enable participants to see and practice teaching techniques that can specifically be used in vocabulary teaching via reading activities in different English level classes. Participants explore the most powerful way of teaching vocabulary as they will teach EFL courses. By combining skills that participants learn in methodology-like classes with the implementation of teaching styles learned in this course they will choose precise and effective ways of helping their students while they learn English vocabulary.
ELT 302 Methods and Approaches to ELT
This course presents basic issues and processes in ELT course design. It focuses on identifying the difference among approach, method and technique and the significance of these concepts in course design. A critical overview of methods and approaches taking a historical perspective is presented: Grammar Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-lingual Method, Silent Way, Community Language Learning, Suggestopedia, Communicative Approach, the Natural Approach. Student teachers will discover and synthesize classroom application possibilities of such methods through designing micro-teaching of activities associated with them. A portion of the course also focuses on current issues and practices in ELT course design, selecting the appropriate approach suitable to learner needs based on current distinctions such as ESL, EFL, EIL, ESP, EAP. It outlines current foreign language teaching trends such as constructivist approach, content-based instruction, task-based instruction, problem-based teaching and multiple intelligences.
ELT 388 TEFL: Writing
This course covers detailed study of techniques used in teaching writing.
ELT 366 TEFL: Grammar
This course helps students to develop an appropriate teaching grammar syllabus. Through the course they practice different grammar methods and taking ender learner’s styles they arrange their own curriculum. Building upon analysis and synthesis, students evaluate the most problematic forms of English grammar learning about their function and usage by using methods such as error analysis or discourse analysis and design their own way of teaching philosophy. Besides presenting a descriptive review of the forms and function of English grammar structures, this course encourages students to develop a critical stance toward the use of these structures and teach them in real time classes. The course also emphasizes on having critical points of other sample lessons and interactive activities such as group and pair work.
ELT 332 Second Foreign Language II Turkish**
ELT 336 Second Foreign Language II Arabic**
This course is a continuation of “Second Foreign Language I”. It aims at providing communicative tasks for student teachers to communicate in the target language. Student teachers will be exposed to commonly occurring grammatical patterns and vocabulary items in written texts such as newspapers, magazines and short stories. Simple writing tasks will also be integrated into the course. Both listening and speaking are important components of this course and more vocabulary items will be presented through longer dialogues and reading texts. More insights into the target culture and life style will be given through the use of authentic materials.
ELT 346 Translation II Kurdish
ELT 348 Translation II Turkish
This course is a continuation of Translation I.
ELT 304 Educational Psychology
This course is designed to provide information about how normal children develop and learn, as well as about the teaching process. Our knowledge about how children think, feel, and grow is far from complete, but what we do know can help teachers individualize teaching to meet children’s needs. Familiarity with the strengths and weaknesses of different classroom practices will enable student teachers to make better classroom choices. It will be studied that the scientific knowledge base of child development and educational psychology, and explore the implications for classroom practice.
ELT 362 Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
This course compares and contrasts first and second language acquisition. It covers subjects such as interlanguage, error analysis and the role of biological, cognitive, affective, and social factors in L2 learning.
It also explains inevitable connection between foreign language learning and teaching.
ELT 413 Research Methods in TEFL
This course aims to introduce students to the most essential research methods and the most indispensable properties characteristic of academic or scholarly writing. Understanding this enables them to engage in good academic writing. Embarking on any piece of academic writing requires knowledge of appropriate and relevant research methods. Such knowledge not only makes it possible for writers to access and compile relevant data, but also easy for readers to identify the writers’ intake and distinguish it from the authors they refer to. Moreover, following appropriate research methods not only preserves other authors’ intellectual property, but also makes it possible for writers to think, analyse and write differently. This course introduces students to the research methods necessary to produce a piece of academic or scholarly writing. They will be able to apply the appropriate research methods learned in their academic life to produce good academic writing or deploy them to produce other kinds of writing should they pursue a career outside academia.
ELT 423 Classroom Management
The basic subjects of this course are social and psychological factors that influence student behavior, basic characteristics and functions of classroom context, designing the physical environment, starting a new school year, developing and teaching rules and routines for classroom management, gaining student cooperation, protecting and restoring order, creating a positive learning environment, managing seatwork, group work, recitations and discussions, productive and effective use of time in class, motivation and communication, problem behaviors and ways of dealing with them.
ELT 405 Practice Teaching
Consolidating the skills necessary for teaching English as a foreign language at primary and secondary schools through observation and teaching practice in pre-determined secondary schools under staff supervision; critically analyzing the previously acquired teaching related knowledge and skills through further reading, research and in class activities in order to develop a professional view of the ELT field.
ELT 415 Material Adaptation and Development
This course introduces students to the objectives, methods, and findings of research investigating how materials are developed, evaluated and used in foreign/second language teaching. It will help students to better understand the theoretical assumptions behind materials, the roles of materials in language teaching and the methods of materials development and evaluation. The course will include topics such as needs analysis, features of well-designed materials, materials evaluation, materials adaptation and the development of original materials. Students will be asked to read recommended books and research articles, evaluate sample materials, adapt materials for classroom use and present their work the class after each assignment. Practical assignments will provide opportunities for application of the concepts and practices by requiring students to analyze language teaching materials currently in use.
ELT 425 Teaching Foreign Language to Young Learners
Developing an awareness and appreciation of theory and practice in teaching English to young learners; focus on teacher training, assessment, syllabus design and materials preparation and evaluation. This course focuses on understanding effective practices for teaching and learning a foreign language to elementary and middle school learners. Students learn how to plan, implement, and sustain a standards-based foreign language program.
ELT 402 School Experience
This course aims to prepare student teachers for full teaching practice. It gives them a structured introduction to teaching, helps them acquire teaching competencies and develop teaching skills. Student teachers have observation and application tasks that they carry out in a primary or secondary school under the supervision of a cooperating teacher. Some observation tasks include: practicing questioning skills, explaining; effective use of textbooks; topic sequencing and lesson planning; classroom management; preparing and using worksheets; effective use of textbooks; effective questioning skills; explaining.
ELT 418 Testing and Evaluation
This course covers types of tests; test preparation techniques for the purpose of measuring various English language skills; the practice of preparing various types of questions; evaluation and analysis techniques; statistical calculations.
ELT 454 TEFL: Literature
This course covers the possible techniques on how to make use of literary texts with the purpose of teaching material. Examination of literary texts as motivating language material. Application of various language based activities to literary texts through peer teaching by making references to the literary periods and backgrounds of chosen texts.
ELT 420 Fundamentals of Guidance and Counseling
This course will address the following school counseling topics: perspectives and practices for school counseling in the 21st century, multicultural and diversity issues impacting school counseling, and an overview of counseling theory as applied to the child and adolescent in a school setting. Adlerian, Cognitive Behavioral, Reality/Choice, Person-Centered, and Solution-Focused theories will be addressed in the course. Initial introduction to counseling skill development will be based on, solution-focused, and cognitive behavioral approaches. Students will develop an understanding of individual counseling skills through active class participation and role-play. Included in the course will be an interview with a local practicing school counselor and discussions on the realities of school counseling.
ELT 352 American Literature
This course covers brief information on American Literature. References and comparisons between past and present. General outlook on development of literature in the United States by references to the texts. Examination of literary texts from American Literature as motivating language material.
ELT 431 Second Foreign Language III (Turkish)**
ELT 433 Second Foreign Language III (Arabic)**
This course is a continuation of Second Foreign Language II. It aims at further developing student teachers’ reading and oral skills. Authentic texts of different genres will be studied in order to focus on more complex grammatical structures and advanced level vocabulary items.
ELT 453 World Literature
A description of literature and place of literature in world cultures. Comparisons and contrasts among cultures by the texts. Examination of literary texts from world literature as motivating language material. and application of various language based activities to literary texts by giving basic information about the background of chosen texts.
ELT 432 Second Foreign Language IV (Turkish)**
This course is a continuation of Second Foreign Language III.
ELT 436 Second Foreign Language IV (Arabic)**
This course is a continuation of Second Foreign Language III.
The use and role of drama in teaching language is the basic subject of this course. How to use drama in language teaching and the methods and techniques in language teaching related with drama are taught in this course.
ELT 438 Special Education Programs
This course covers methods of teaching to special and mainstreamed children. There is attention to objectives, concepts, skills, materials, and learning activities. Adaptations for special and mainstreamed children are taught in this course.
ELT 480 Current issues in ELT
The course aims to increase awareness of student teachers about the issues relevant to language teaching which are currently in debate among second language acquisition researchers, applied linguists and practitioners in ELT.
ELT 482 Drama in ELT
The use and role of drama in teaching language is the basic subject of this course. How to use drama in language teaching and the methods and techniques in language teaching related with drama are taught in this course.
ELT 484 ELT Testing
This course covers further and more detailed information on testing and evaluation in language teaching.
ELT 486 Technology Assisted Language Teaching
This course aims to develop awareness of student teachers of the various uses of technology in language education.
ELT 488 Teaching English through Music
This course aims to develop awareness of student teachers of the use of songs and music in language education.
ELT 481 Teaching English through Videos
This course aims to develop awareness of student teachers of the use of videos and movies in language education.
ELT 483 Teaching English through Games
This course aims to develop awareness of student teachers of the use of games in language education.
ELT 485 Storytelling
This course aims to develop awareness of student teachers of the use of stories and storytelling in language education.
ELT291 Poetry
The elective Poetry 491 course offered to the ELT students of the seventh semester is a continuation of the introductory course to English Literature 351, given to students in their fifth semester, and a further enrichment of students’ literary experience, for those of them who have taken the elective Literary Readings 487 course in their sixth semester.
The objectives of the planned course aim to increase students’ exposure to the English poetry, and to enable students better know the richness of the language and the different contexts, forms and registers it is prone to have. By giving students a number of poetic texts from different periods, extending from the Tudor era to the modern times, the course’s ultimate outcome should consequently prepare these students to be more comfortable and proficient with the use of poetry in the future as teachers of the English language.
GEN 201 Ecology
GEN 202 Music
GEN 203 Art
GEN 204 Football
GEN 205 History of Art
GEN 206 Basketball
GEN 208 Volleyball
IT 251 Introduction to Web design